Be Clear and Concise

Answering "What do you do"

What's the best way to respond to:

"What do you do?"

Remember that the only goal of the Elevator Pitch is to start conversations.

So the most effective answer is 7 - 10 words that get the other person to respond.

How do you collapse years of experience into 7 words?

Check out pages 29 - 31 in the Elevator Pitch Handbook (PDF) to learn how to start better conversations.

Be Unique and Memorable

30-Second Elevator Pitch

Do people nod and smile at your 30-Second Elevator Pitch?

Wouldn't you rather they hand you a qualified lead?

Using case studies and real-world examples you'll craft a memorable 30-Second Elevator Pitch that:

1. Grabs People's Attention (page 38)
2. Begins the Conversation (page 41)
3. Calls them to Action (page 45)

Stop wasting time at networking events!

Inspire people to reach out to you with leads.

Create an Elevator Pitch that's fun to say, easy to memorize, and sounds like you!

Here's what people are saying...

“I gave my new 30-Second Elevator Pitch at a networking event the other night, and two people approached me afterwards to invite me to do a presentation for their company. Thanks for your help!”

“I was at a networking event the other night. It wasn’t a great event, but I was sitting next to a business coach who now wants to meet with me to learn how I can help her clients. Then I was talking to someone in the hall who knows someone who’s a perfect referral for me. It works!”

“I participated in Andy's Elevator Pitch Workshop, and was very pleased with the insights and hands-on help he offered. He listened to my concerns, where I thought my message was failing to connect, and was able to combine some creative word-smithing with his understanding of the subtleties of the art of conversation and networking. There is a solid structure to his method, but I am most impressed with how he was able to adapt that structure to my particular case."”

“Working with Andy has been incredibly helpful in refining my message. My natural instinct was to overload the listener with background information instead of sharing something they would actually remember. The invitation to “Tell me about yourself” is no longer something I dread but an opportunity to showcase my background and skills. ”

“When networking, I used to dread explaining my job to people. I'd be all over the place trying to explain the type of work I did and my so called 'elevator pitch' seemed to stop the conversation dead in the water. After spending two hours with Andrew Winig, I was able to condense my words and expertise into a clear, coherent and compelling elevator pitch that engages people and creates productive business conversations. Now, I can't wait for people to ask me about what I do. Thank you Andy!”

“Andy empowered me to clarify my message and brand. He helped craft 8 years of real estate experience into four sentences that get a prospect’s attention, show how easy it is to do business with me and provide a compelling call to action. Though comfortable with public speaking I struggled to deliver a clear and concise introduction of my business especially when a short window of time and attention is available. Andy resolved this challenge so that I can comfortably and naturally articulate my business without sounding or feeling like an elevator pitch. Andy has a precious gift - a genuine coaching style that is inspiring and insightful - not judgemental. He put me at ease and sparked a level of creative thinking that is so very hard to find. I have known Andy for several years and through several networking groups. His expertise helped me grow professionally and personally and I look forward to working with him on many future projects.”

Program includes:

  • Full PDF version of the Elevator Pitch Handbook

  • Step-by-Step Worksheets

  • Access to our monthly Elevator Pitch Lab

  • Bonus! Real-World Elevator Pitch Examples

Here's the Full List of What you Get:

You get full unlimited access to the Elevator Pitch Handbook PDF, plus even more Elevator Pitch Examples, and recordings of live coaching calls

    1. Elevator Pitch Handbook PDF

    1. Worksheet: Answering What do you do

    2. Worksheet: 30 Second Elevator PItch

    1. Examples: Answering What do you do

    2. Examples: 30-Second Elevator Pitch

About this course

  • $15.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Elevator Pitch Handbook (PDF)

The Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Conversations