Circle of Influence

Did someone suggest you expand your

"No more cold calling," they said.

"Referral selling is better," they encouraged.

They probably suggested you join a Chamber or a networking group.


...What's the best way to introduce yourself?
...What events should you attend
...How much networking is too much?
...Where can you meet the right people?
...What do you do with all those business cards you collected?
...Does it really make sense to study attendance lists?

Cambridge Chamber of Commerce

In May of 2006 I walked into the

I was there to sell them window cleaning.

They sold me on a chamber membership.

It was the best sale I never made... but it would be another eight years before I figured out how to consistently get leads from my networking groups.

I read all the books, did my research online, and attended meeting after meeting after meeting.

It wasn't working.

No leads.

No referrals.

I had been told to expand my centers of influence...

Expand My Centers of Influence

I had been told to

I had been told that networking would be better than cold calling, but my early experience was that networking was frustrating and a waste of time.

But I don't give up that easily, so I dug in and systematically tried every technique I could find. I may even have made up some techniques of my own.

There was only one criteria: I try them with real people at real networking events and I only keep the ones that work both for me and for my clients.

Which means that I no longer tell anyone to study attendance lists or collect business cards. These two activities create the most frustration in business networking because... they don't work.

I created a whole new approach to meeting people and following up with them so they are eager to hear from me and reliably return my calls.

Business Networking Skills

A proven approach that covers the key

  • How to stop wasting your time at networking events

  • What to do when a connection no-shows or ghosts you

  • A simple approach that develops trust

  • Why introductions are even better than referrals

  • How to follow up so people are eager to hear from you

P.I.T.C.H. Model of Business Networking

  • P - Pick the Right Events

  • I - Identify the Right People

  • T - Trust is Earned

  • C - Connect Using Professional Referrals

  • H - Hello, again - Follow Up Effectively

P - Pick the Right Events

How do you know if an event will be worthwhile or a waste of time?

You'll learn a simple way to figure out exactly how many events you should attend per week. (Hint: it's not the same for everyone).

This is the right number for you. Any fewer and you're leaving opportunities on the table. Any more and you'll end up spinning your wheels.

Note too that networking happens in line at the grocery store, at little league games, and on vacation. You don't have to be at an official networking event to turn conversations into connections.

I - Identify the Right People

It's important to recognize whether you're networking or selling. I spent a lot of time chasing the wrong people for my network because I was confusing the two.

Both are important.

Both are valuable.

And when you mix them up, that's when people get annoyed and confused.

That's not the kind of impression you want to leave if your goal is to expand your referral network.

So you'll learn the most important quality in anyone who's going to join your network. It's not something you can ask them, and you can't figure it out by looking at them. You have to interact with them in two specific ways identify this quality. If they do have this quality, then, and only then, do you start the process of vetting them for your business network.

T - Trust is Earned

It's impossible to develop full trust in a

...30-Second Elevator Pitch
...10-Minute Presentation
...45-Minute Coffee Meeting

Trust develops over time and in-between networking meetings!

That's when you get to know people. That's when you strengthen connections. That's when you give (and receive) introductions. That's when you make sales.

You'll learn who to invite to coffee meetings, good questions to ask while you're there, and how long to wait before inviting the same person to a second coffee meeting.


“Thanks for inviting me to join Your Network More Effectively program yesterday. The content and guidance you offered was fantastic and, without a doubt, the most useful, practical information that I've ever seen or heard about business networking. Your delivery was fantastic with interesting, relevant examples and a great mix of humor. I'm looking forward to practicing what I learned from you!”

“Great class with lots of practical tips for how to network. Very interactive and some surprising information. ”

“If you don't know how or where to begin business networking, Andy Winig can show you a foolproof method.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to participate in your program last week. During the call, I secretly reached out to Darcy via text since she seemed to live in my world. I’m delighted to let you know that we had a wonderful conversation today and we already discussed ways we can help each other. We also know the same spots in Sarasota which is fun.”

C - Connect using Professional Referrals

"I gave them your contact information" is not a referral.

It's not even a connection!

It's a hope and a wish for you and the person who says it.

When you give professional referrals
...people connect with each other gain trust and credibility
...people look forward to hearing from you

You'll learn the three three steps that make a referral a professional referral.

H - Hello, again... Follow Up Effectively

Most people ask how often to follow up and what to say.

We'll look first at who is worth a follow up (most people aren't).

Once you're clear on the who, the rest follows naturally.

You'll no longer worry about annoying people.

People will return your calls and emails.

You'll strengthen relationships and find true referral partners.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Pick the Right Events - Video Program

    2. Where do leads really come from (Hint: it's not at the business networking event itself...)

    3. How many events should you attend per week (Hint: it's different for everyone)

    4. If they don't return your emails - you can't trust them with your best clients

    5. How Business Networking Really Works

    1. Identify the Right People - Video Program

    2. Why you'll never figure out "where your prospects hang out" (and what to do instead that won't have you running in circles)

    3. How the Circle of Trust gives you instant access to lots of qualified leads

    4. Real World Elevator Pitch Coaching - Before & After Examples

    5. Icebreakers for In-Person and Zoom Breakout Rooms

    1. Trust is Earned - Video Program

    2. Best Kept Secret of Business Networking - Coffee Meetings

    3. Invite to Coffee Meetings - Scripts for In Person and by Email

    4. Conversations Starters for Coffee Meetings

    1. Connect Using Professional Referrals - Video Program

    2. Professional Introduction - The Step-by-Step Guide

    3. Editable Template - Co Introductory Email

    4. What do you do once you've met with everyone once?

    1. Effective Follow Up - Video Program

    2. The Absolute Worst Way to Ask for a Referral

    3. How to Turn Business Cards into Connections

    4. How to Keep Track of Your Referrals

About this course

  • $297.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

How Networking Works

By the end of this course, you'll understand

  • How to use the circle of trust to get better leads

  • A simple business networking strategy you can use immediately even if you don't think you're doing much networking

  • 3 key ways to improve your Elevator Pitch

  • An efficient way to measure your networking efforts (and results!)

  • The best way to get people to return your calls

Network More Effectively