The Focused Consultant

Find Your Clarity in the Chaos of Business

As a consultant, you do so many things so well.

It’s a blessing and a curse – because it scatters your focus and dilutes your effectiveness.

The good news is that you can continue offering all your services.

But how do you craft a compelling message, manage your time efficiently, execute a marketing strategy, and perfect the art of follow-up all while creating time to take care of your clients and spend time with your family? Sometimes it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day and this fragmented focus drains your energy and impedes your business growth.

With divided attention and unfocused efforts, you’ll find that you miss opportunities, waste time, spin your wheels on marketing, and procrastinate your follow ups. This leads to fewer clients, long days, and a sense that you’re perpetually playing catch-up. Without addressing these core areas with a strategic, focused approach, achieving your level of success and satisfactions seems always just out of reach. the level of success and satisfaction you aspire to can feel like an elusive dream.

That’s why I created The Focused Consultant.

The Focused Consultant is a transformative month-long group coaching program designed specifically for consultants and coaches like you, who are ready to streamline their focus and catapult their business to the next level. Our program is built on four pillars that are critical to your success.

Benefits and Results:

By joining The Focused Consultant, you will: 

  • Gain clarity and confidence in your business direction.
  • Streamline your operations to enhance productivity and efficiency.
  • Elevate your marketing strategies to attract the right clients.
  • Master the art of follow-up to significantly increase your conversion rates.

Are you ready to focus your efforts, overcome the hurdles, and achieve the success you've been dreaming of? Join The Focused Consultant program today and start your journey to a more focused, profitable, and satisfying consulting business.

The Schedule:

We meet Thursdays in May at 11am Eastern for 1 hour.

May 2 : Focus Your Message

  • Craft a Clear and Compelling Message
  • Resonate with Your Audience
  • Establish Yourself as the Go-To Expert

May 9: Focus Your Time

  • Boost Your Productivity
  • Eliminate Distractions
  • Outwit Burnout

May 16: Focus Your Marketing

  • Attract Your Ideal Clients
  • Increase Your Visibility
  • Gain Clarity on Your Client's Journey

May 23: Hot Seat Live Coaching!

  • Take Your Skills to the Next Level
  • Break Through Old Habits
  • Celebrate What's Working

May 30: Focus Your Follow Up

  • Follow Up with the Right People
  • Convert Prospects into Loyal Clients
  • Get a Steady Stream of Referrals

Additional Benefits:

  • Full access (live and recorded) to five Thursday programs in May 2024 (11am Eastern)
  • Full access to our monthly Elevator Pitch Lab
  • Unlimited email support until 6/15/24
  • One private 30-minute coaching call with me (before 6/15/24)
  • The Focused Consultant - a one pager with your personalized approach to eliminating distractions
  • Group discussions and exercises and hot seats to practice the skills

The content will be recorded, but the real value is in being there to interact with other people and apply the new skills as you work with existing clients while signing up one ones.

The Focused Consultant

To keep this interactive a focused on you, we only take 20 participants.

Grab this opportunity to elevate your networking skills.

Register now to lock in your results


Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this private coaching?

This is a five week group coaching program. We get together on Zoom every Thursday in May for an hour at 11am Eastern. We roll up our sleeves and dive into fun and engaging exercises, discussions, and breakout rooms to learn from each other as we work on our own business. The program does include a 30 minute private consultation directly with me. You get the benefit of expert coaching with economy of group coaching.

Is the program recorded?

Yes, you get full access to the live sessions and the program recordings and all the worksheets and the One Page The Focused Consultant.

Is this a lecture series?

NO! I've never believed that you will improve your consulting practice by listening to me talk. This program is very interactive. I take you step-by-step through my proven process where you get to try different approaches and get immediate and expert feedback on how to focus and streamline your efforts. These are working sessions, and by the end of May you'll have clarity in the four core areas that drive consulting success. 

Do I need to figure out my Elevator Pitch before attending this program?

Nope! We build up your messaging step by step - it's easier and more fun than you'd expect. The Elevator Pitch should not be a struggle - our new approach helps you quickly identify your strengths, values, and ideal clients.

What are the four core skills of The Focused Consultant?

You'll want to focus your message, focus your time, focus your marketing, and focus your follow up. Master these and there's no stopping you!

Is this in person?

This program takes place entirely on Zoom.

Course curriculum

    1. One Pager Focus Worksheet

    1. Session Recording

    2. Session Slides

    1. Session Recording

    2. Session Slides

    1. Session Recording

    2. Session Slides

    1. Session Recording

    1. Session Recording

    2. Session Slides

About this course

  • $189.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content