Course curriculum
Q&A 004 LinkedIn for business networking, hiring "professional networkers," should you offer free services, what's the best way to differentiate
Q&A 003 Starting (and stopping) conversations, business cards, proving your expertise, and block that metaphor...
Q&A 002 who to connect with, why to avoid logical elevator pitches, how to stay motivated, and when are you done...
Q&A 001 vanishing referral sources, asking for referrals (not!), networking meetings, chambers of commerce...
Networking on a Tight Budget
Go Where Your Prospects Aren't
What Makes You Unique
Getting Great Leads from Bad Events
Maximize Your Chamber Membership
3 Ways to Develop Trust
Follow Up Without Being Annoying
Give Professional Referrals
Getting Past the Gatekeepers
Circle of Trust
Networking vs. Sales
Push And Pull
Flowers Chocolates and Champagne
Found Ya!
Holiday Networking Tips
Gift of Networking
Networking at Parties
Networking Thank Yous
Develop a New 30 Second Elevator Pitch
Strengthen Your Call to Action
Engaging Distracted Prospects

About this course
- $30.00 / month
- 60 lessons
- 32 hours of video content
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